Big Padlock Blog News, Tips & Updates

Stay informed and ahead of the game with our informative blog on self-storage! Our blog is your go-to source for the latest news, tips, and updates on Big Padlock self-storage facilities. With valuable information on industry trends, you’ll be able to make smart choices when it comes to selecting the right service for all your needs. And with our helpful storage tips, you’ll be able to confidently store your belongings with peace of mind. So why wait? Stay in the loop and check in with us regularly for the best self-storage experience!

How To Store Your Furniture During a Move

How To Store Your Furniture During a Move 12/04/2024 Tips from Big Padlock Self Storage Moving homes can be a hectic process, and sometimes, you might need temporary storage solutions. Whether you're renovating, downsizing, or relocating abroad, storing your furniture...


Top tips! Keep stuff off the floor! Rule number one is to make sure your soft furnishings are off the floor. Cardboard and wood will survive on the floor, but soft furnishings and mattresses should never be in contact with the floor. Plan for the upcoming weather. It...